Xenex LightStrike Germ-Zapping Robots Battling Superbugs in UK; Infection Prevention & Control Conference Will Feature Pulsed Xenon Light Disinfection Technology
Knowlex welcomes Xenex to showcase LightStrike, the non-mercury UV technology proven to help hospitals reduce HAI rates
Healthcare associated infections (HAI) are a global problem and NHS Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt recently launched new plans to reduce infections in the NHS. Speakers representing NHS Improvement, NHS England and Public Health England will share their thoughts and plans during Knowlex’s Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) conference on February 22, 2017 in London. In preparation for the event, the Knowlex team carefully sought new technologies for infection prevention and selected Xenex LightStrike™ Germ-Zapping Robots™ to present at their exclusive invitation-only event on ultraviolet (UV) light room disinfection technology.